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Fiber Arts Post – An End in Sight for the Hopsmere Sweater Pattern

There's an end in sight for the Hopsmere Cardigan pattern! Image of two panels of knitwork being joined with a tapestry needle. There is a hand visible behind the part of the seam still open.

There’s finally an end in sight for the Hopsmere Cardigan! I ordered the last of the yarn that I’ll need and finished the panel for the neck. After this, I’ll need to pick up buttons, buckles, and leather before knitting the button panel. Then I’ll put on the final finishing touches! Or… I might need to make some adjustments. Read the post now!

This project is based on a wearable garment in the video game Red Dead Online. I’m recording my process as I go to later turn the steps into a pattern that I will be making available online once it’s ready. You can also follow along with this project on Ravelry.

I will be frogging this sleeve and trying again because the decrease isn't even down the length of it. This is the most frustrating part of pattern writing.

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