• Reading Recap: March Has Started

    Reading Recap: March Has Started

    March has started! I’m excited for it. I received a whole pile of advance reader copies (ARCs) of ebooks in February that I’ve been working my way through. I finished two of them last week and then picked up a title from a local author that’s been sitting in my TBR pile since December. It…

  • Reading Recap: One More Week of February

    Reading Recap: One More Week of February

    We’ve completed one more week of February, and we’ve got a little less than one more still to go before this month is over. I read two books this week while enjoying my daughter’s week-long break from school with her. It made for a great week. Both books were fantastic! 1. House of Night –…

  • Reading Recap: Halfway Through February

    Reading Recap: Halfway Through February

    It’s tough to believe that we’re already halfway through February, but here we are. Just look at the calendar! This month has been flying by! Then again, so has my reading list. After finishing off what I’d started last week, I was just diving into the next one along with a 400-page beta read for…