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Tag: In the Books

  • Reading Recap: Marching On

    Reading Recap: Marching On

    This month is marching on at a solid pace. I’m beginning to feel hints of spring in the air. I suspect that soon I’ll be getting more of my reading done outdoors. I got a fair bit done this week. First off, I finished off the one I’d started last week. I then read through…

  • Reading Recap: March Has Started

    Reading Recap: March Has Started

    March has started! I’m excited for it. I received a whole pile of advance reader copies (ARCs) of ebooks in February that I’ve been working my way through. I finished two of them last week and then picked up a title from a local author that’s been sitting in my TBR pile since December. It…

  • Reading Recap: One More Week of February

    Reading Recap: One More Week of February

    We’ve completed one more week of February, and we’ve got a little less than one more still to go before this month is over. I read two books this week while enjoying my daughter’s week-long break from school with her. It made for a great week. Both books were fantastic! 1. House of Night –…

  • Bearly Read Books

    Bearly Read Books

    We love books and we love exploring, so my partner and I are day-tripping around my home state of Massachusetts to check out all the independent bookstores we can find. This week, we dropped in on one of my all-time favorites: Bearly Read Books in Sudbury. I’ve been coming here since I was a kid,…

  • Reading Recap: Halfway Through February

    Reading Recap: Halfway Through February

    It’s tough to believe that we’re already halfway through February, but here we are. Just look at the calendar! This month has been flying by! Then again, so has my reading list. After finishing off what I’d started last week, I was just diving into the next one along with a 400-page beta read for…

  • Newtonville Books & Hummingbird Books

    Newtonville Books & Hummingbird Books

    We love books and we love exploring, so my partner and I are day-tripping around my home state of Massachusetts to check out all the independent bookstores we can find. This time, we headed out to Newton, MA to check out Newtonville Books. We chose them because they were hosting an event at the nearby…

  • Reading Recap: Into February

    Reading Recap: Into February

    We’re now well into February on the second Monday of the shortest month. I got to spend a good chunk of time in the books this week with a couple of snowstorms rolling through my area. I love those days when I don’t need to be anywhere and I can simply dig in. This past…

  • Boswell’s Books & Roundabout Books

    Boswell’s Books & Roundabout Books

    We love books and we love exploring, so my partner and I are day-tripping around my home state of Massachusetts to check out all the independent bookstores we can find. Recently, we drove out to the western part of the state to Shelburne Falls, MA to see Boswell’s Books. Then we headed over to Greenfield,…

  • Reading Recap: End of January

    Reading Recap: End of January

    We’ve done it. We’ve officially reached the end of January! We’re now in the first few days of the second month of 2025. This past week, I read through two books. One was on the longer side and the other was much shorter – more of a novella or novelette than a full-length novel. Both…

  • Reading Recap: Somehow Still January

    Reading Recap: Somehow Still January

    It’s already been another week, but somehow it is still January. I know it’s like this every year, but I still never expect January to drag on the way it always does. This is the time of year that New England weather is at its least hospitable, and there’s lots of illness going around. My…

  • Reading Recap: Still More January

    Reading Recap: Still More January

    We’ve reached the third Monday of 2025 already. That means I’m back to recap more January reading I’ve gotten done. This week I was pressed up against a deadline for some work projects, but still managed to sneak some good reading time in. I’ve now gotten everything submitted, and even moved all my bookish TikTok…

  • Reading Recap: Another Week in January

    Reading Recap: Another Week in January

    It’s hard to believe it’s already Monday again and we’ve completed another week in January 2025! This week really flew by for me. I don’t know if the rest of you felt that too? Because I also had an increase in my workload, I only had enough time to start and finish one book this…