Tag: Redo
Fiber Arts Post – An End in Sight for the Hopsmere Sweater Pattern
There’s finally an end in sight for the Hopsmere Cardigan! I ordered the last of the yarn that I’ll need and finished the panel for the neck. After this, I’ll need to pick up buttons, buckles, and leather before knitting the button panel. Then I’ll put on the final finishing touches! Or… I might need…
Fiber Arts Post – Frogging Again: The Never-Ending Sleeve
Yup, I’m still on the sleeve of the Hopsmere Cardigan. Yeah, I mean the first sleeve. Even more frustrating, I’m going to have to rip back a good ten inches of work. If you’re unfamiliar with fiber arts, this is a process called “frogging.” It’s my least favorite part of pattern design. You can read…